Lalu apa bedanya dengan Flash Catalyst dan Flash Builder ?
Flash Catalyst is a design tool for rapidly creating expressive interfaces and interactive content without writing code. Flash Builder, formerly known as Flex Builder, is a code-centric environment geared toward developers rather than animators or designers to create interactive content. Although the developmentplatforms are different, all three tools ultimately generate the same end product—Flash content (a SWF file). A Flash SWF file runs in the Flash Player on your browser, in AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) on your desktop outside of your browser, or on your mobile phone.
Workspace Flash Professional CS5 |
Seperti pada filem, satuan atau ukuran Flash adalah frame. Satu frame defaultnya 1/24 detik atau 24 fps (frame per second)Selecting Multiple Frameskeyframe
Just as you can hold down the Shift key to select multiple files on your desktop, you can hold down the Shift key to select multiple frames on the Flash Timeline. If you have several layers and want to insert frames into all of them, hold down the Shift key and click on the point at which you want to add frames in all of your layers. Then choose Insert > Timeline > Frame.
A keyframe indicates a change in content on the Stage. Keyframes are indicated on the Timeline as a circle. An empty circle means there is nothing in that particular layer at that particular time. A filled-in black circle means there is something in that particular layer at that particular time. Pada kebanyakan animasi, setiap frame adalah keyframe. Sedangkan pada animasi lain, keyframes hanya terdapat pada awal dan akhir frame.
Memahami frame dan keyframe sangat penting untuk memahami Flash.
Classic Text is a mode for adding simple text that doesn’t require sophisticated options such as multiple columns or wrapping around other objects. Static Text is the option for any text that is used for display purposes. Dynamic and Input Text are special text options for more interactive purposes and can be controlled with ActionScript.Removing KeyframesIf you want to remove a keyframe, do not press the Delete key! Doing so will delete the contents of that keyframe on the Stage. Instead, select the keyframe and choose Modify > Timeline > Clear Keyframe (Shift+F6). Your keyframe will be removed from the Timeline.
You can undo steps in Flash using the Undo command or the History panel.
Previewing Your Movie. To quickly see how an animation or movie will appear to a viewer, choose Control > Test Movie > in Flash Professional. Dapat juga dengan mencet Ctrl+Enter to preview your movie.
Istilah “tween” berasal dari animasi klasik. Senior animators would be responsible for drawing the beginning and ending poses for their characters. The beginning and ending poses were the keyframes of the animation. Junior animators would then come in and draw the “in-between” frames, or do the “in-betweening.” Hence, “tweening” refers to the smooth transitions between keyframes.
Default motion tween adalah 24 frame atau 1 detik.
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